jueves, 24 de octubre de 2019

Chile. Coexistence of Differences.

I am writing just to talk with you,
and share my unanswered concerns,
about what separates Chileans now,
between good and bad.
Between rich and poor.
Among old people who 
don't seem to see what is going on,
and young people who believe
that everything they think is true,
without further analysis or discussion. 

The last writings of the lawyer Carlos Peña,
are the best interpretation that I have read
of the differences that always exist
between beliefs and thoughts of people that 
the more confused they are,
seem more irreconcilable. 

Forgive me if I inadvertently offend you
by telling you my doubts. 

It is a common place to pretend that trust
is gained when interests and objectives
of both parties in conflict,
are clear and coincide.
Because they never coincide. 

No one can guess or judge,
the motivations and intentions of others. 
What is certain is that the negotiations
that always have to be given to live in peace,
right now, between "good and bad" Chileans,
cannot turn out well, 
if both sides do not understand
that the other is not wrong,
but is simply very different
in everything that may be different,
and do not strive to destroy themselves. 

It is the will to fight,
that destroys the coexistence
of the different. 


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A Mi Capitán Luis Rosselot.

“Oh Capitán, mi Capitán", El duro viaje parece concluido, A los lejos se escuchan Ruidos de puerto.... , ...